People tend to assume their state, and especially their city, has the worst drivers in the country. We tend to chalk that up to the fact that you’re going to notice a lot more bad behavior in the place you live compared to somewhere you’re visiting, but ultimately, somewhere has to have the worst drivers, right? The question is, where is that place, exactly?
Consumer Affairs recently published a study that used the following criteria to rate aggressive drivers in the U.S:
- Number of road rage incidents with a gun per 100,000 residents
- Aggressive and/or careless driving or speeding violations per 100,000 residents
- Percentage of accidents due to aggressive and/or careless driving
- Accidents with fatalities due to aggressive and/or careless driving per 100,000 residents to give each state an overall score
So which states ended up being the worst? Let’s take a look and find out.