Amber DaSilva
Staff Writer at Jalopnik. Sucker for big adventurous motorcycles and tiny sporty cars. It doesn't make much sense to her, either.

Oh yay, that’s just fantastic. (Sarcasm lol) Oh well, still not shedding a tear for TikTok.  Read more

It’s fine to not like TikTok but this amounts to the government banning a platform for speech, based on next to no justification. There’s a lot of silliness on TikTok but a lot of activist / news / political content too. Sure you can use Facebook or whatever, but why would you trust them any more?
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Didn't expect that on my birthday when I posted it!
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It’s been decades since I lived in NYC, I miss the pizza so, so much. Read more

As a web developer, that’s just lazy programming on the part of whoever developed this. The handoff between the payment processor and the auction site should have been handled entirely in the backend, and not some client-side process or token that a user could manipulate. Read more

Someone has been watching Robocop.

Yup. But I’d argue it’s even worse for a hypocrite: he clearly sees the problem with the Saudi regime (that’s good!) but has no trouble gorging himself on that sweet bone-saw oil money (that’d bad!). Read more


“Anyone could paint a Rothko” is exactly as reductive as “you’re an uncultured philistine if you don’t appreciate Rothko. Read more

Straight, cisgendered folks who think that this has nothing to do with you: Please understand. These same folks will come for your birth control. They will come for your ability to hook up with randos. They will come for you. Read more

Limiting it to minors is just their means to get a foot in the door. There’s already been comments and suggested legislation that expands well beyond “protecting minors”. It’s been very apparent that the way to “protect minors” is to eliminate any chance of exposure to the concept to begin with. Read more

Maybe you should read the linked article (not just the title) before stating that someone is misquoting it. Literally the third sentence: Read more

Oh my, that was nearly a decade ago!?!? I could have sworn that was like 5 years ago at best. *Brain malfunctions* Read more

When you thought you were stealing a Mustang... Read more

Following up on crimes will take precious time away from the cops harassing the unhoused.
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